Home Latest Opinion: Racist Zoombombing of Democrats’ meeting shows that as technology advances, our humanity does not

Opinion: Racist Zoombombing of Democrats’ meeting shows that as technology advances, our humanity does not

Opinion: Racist Zoombombing of Democrats’ meeting shows that as technology advances, our humanity does not


The fact that the event was hosted by the Hall County Democrats does not necessarily mean the hacker is someone local. Warnock is involved in a statewide campaign, and the digital hatred could literally have come from anywhere that has access to the internet.

We wish we knew from whence it came; wish the full weight of appropriate criminal charges could be brought to bear upon someone whose technical skills are obviously far more polished than is their sense of humanity. It would be nice to be able to make an example of a few virtual meeting hackers, so that perhaps others would find a more productive use of their time and skill sets.

There is something about such events that reeks of juvenile mentality and schoolboy stupidity, but odds are whoever attacked the Warnock session was an adult, at least in terms of chronology, if not maturity.

Almost immediately after the story broke, there were those who wanted to put forth the notion that this was another Jussie Smollett scenario, and that the Democrats themselves had done the deed to draw attention to their cause and generate sympathy for their candidate. Of course, no one has put forth any evidence to suggest that such was the case, but Smollett’s ill-fated report of an attack in Chicago, and a handful of other similar cases, has opened the door for such conspiracy thinking.

In truth, the political position of the Zoom bomber is of much less interest than is his, or her, lack of human decency. That anyone would subject others to such a verbal onslaught is indefensible and indecent, regardless of the motive for doing so.

There was a time in the South when the N-word was used in everyday language without being given a second thought. Those times are long gone. It now is used far too often as an overt act of verbal weaponization full of vitriol and racist intent. That someone would think it appropriate to do so, and to further add an assortment of vulgarities the likes of which are often seen on the walls of public restrooms, serves as resounding proof that our technologies have evolved far more than has our respect for our fellow man.

Somebody knows who did this. Somebody is proud of doing this and has bragged about it. Somebody needs to be punished for having done it. Somebody needs to speak up and let authorities know where to look.


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