Home Latest Orono football working hard as school board moves forward with sports

Orono football working hard as school board moves forward with sports

Orono football working hard as school board moves forward with sports


ORONO, Maine (WABI) – The Maine Principal’s Association unanimously approved return to play guidelines for all fall sports on Thursday. Each school district has to determine its course now. Orono school board voted to go forward with all fall sports…

“We are hopeful. We will see what is going to happen. We can’t control it so all we can do is continue to work through the CDC and state guidelines an MPA guidelines. Like we have,” says Orono head coach Bob Sinclair, “I spoke with Dan O’Connell last night and our thing is we are going to keep playing until someone tells us we can’t.”

“Yeah it’s reassuring for sure,” says Orono senior quarterback Henry Robertson, “It’s still up in the air with how things are going in the going to go but I’m still really excited.”

Orono played a junior varsity schedule last year, move to 8-player this year, and the experience over the past few seasons has made them more hungry than most.

“For the last three years things have been tough for us so we wanted to make sure that if we play we are ready,” says Sinclair, “We didn’t want to start at the last minute so we feel good about where we are at right now we just have to see what happens.”

“All summer long since July, early July, we’ve been doing just basic, basic stuff like running, push-ups, sit ups. So we are excited to get to come out here after school and throw the ball around,” says Robertson, “It is eye-opening seeing what the world can come to so quickly But you know being on the football field is kind of like calming.”

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