Home Latest West Bengal: Lockdown till September-end, total shutdown for 3 days next month

West Bengal: Lockdown till September-end, total shutdown for 3 days next month

West Bengal: Lockdown till September-end, total shutdown for 3 days next month


Amid the rising number of coronavirus cases in the state, the West Bengal government on Monday has extended the lockdown in the containment zones till September 30. Following the guidelines of ministry of home affairs, the educational institutions — school, colleges, coaching centres — will remain closed in the state. Cinema halls will also be shut till September-end. So are swimming pools and entertainment parks. The state government has not relaxed the norms for the large gatherings.

Open air theaters are allowed from September 21. However, the permission must be obtained from the local authorities. The state government permitted the metro rails to commence in a limited manner from September 8. The necessary COVID-19 related norms must be strictly followed.

However, there will be no respite from partial lockdown in state. There will be a complete lockdown in West Bengal on September 7, September 11 and September 12. The private offices, commercial establishments will remain shut during the statewide lockdown. Public and private transport will remain closed during complete lockdown. Flights from the Kolkata airport remain suspended on the mentioned days. The long-distance trains were rescheduled at Howrah and Sealdah station.

However, essentials services will be functional. Here are the list of services that will be permitted during the lockdown

1) Health services including movement of health personnel or patients by public or private transport

2) Medicine shops and pharmacies

3) Law and order, courts, correctional services, fire and emergency services

4) Electricity, water and conservancy services

5) Continuous process — industries and industries with in-house workers.

6) Agriculture operations; tea garden operations in field.

7) Intrastate, interstate and cross border movement of goods will be permitted

8) E-commerce, capital and debt market services as notified by the central bank of India

9) Print, electronic media and social media

10) Home delivery of the cooked food

“Containment zones will be demarcated by district authorities with strict perimeter control and strict enforcement of containment measures as per the standard protocol. District Magistrates on assessment of local situation may enforce stricter containment measures in their districts,” the West Bengal government said in a circular.

“Norms of physical distancing, wearing of masks, health and hygiene protocol must be strictly adhered to at all the times,” the state government mentioned.

The Mamata Banerjee government on asked state universities to conduct final semester college and university examinations between October 1 and 18.

The deadly novel coronavirus infected over 1.5 lakh people in the state since the outbreak. Over 3,100 people succumbed to the dreaded virus in the eastern state.

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