Home Latest Health department shares risk-mitigation strategies for close-contact sports

Health department shares risk-mitigation strategies for close-contact sports

Health department shares risk-mitigation strategies for close-contact sports


Eau Claire (WQOW) – The Eau Claire City-County Health Department released new recommendations Tuesday for close-contact high school sports.

The three-page document was shared with sports activity organizers in Eau Claire County.

The health department strongly discourages close contact sports because they violate the 6-foot distance requirement of the current Public Health Order.

The recommendations shared Tuesday are intended to lower, but not eliminate, the risk of COVID-19 transmission for athletes that do not maintain the 6-foot distance or travel outside of the county for competitions. They were based on WIAA guidance and the current Eau Claire City-County Health Department COVID-19 Prevention and Control Order.

Eau Claire City-County Health Department Director Lieske Giese reiterated in an email Wednesday the local health order does not explicitly prohibit the playing of football or any other sport, but the requirements and recommendations must be implemented.

It is up to each school administration how best to do that in good faith and make decisions on their fall sports seasons, she said.

Regis Catholic Schools announced Tuesday it would proceed will all fall sports. The School District of Altoona said high-risk sports cannot compete due to the physical distancing requirement, but will hold practices starting next Tuesday.

The Augusta School District said it intends to participate in all fall sports in accordance with the Dairyland Conference fall sports plan.


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