Home Latest Whitmer delays decision on fall sports, says announcement will come soon

Whitmer delays decision on fall sports, says announcement will come soon

Whitmer delays decision on fall sports, says announcement will come soon


In her press conference Wednesday, the governor also said MHSAA is struggling to make the right decision.

Though she’s had months to decide the fate of fall sports such as soccer, swimming, and volleyball, Michigan Governor Grethen Whitmer said she needed a little more time to make her decision.

“I want people to understand that we are working around the clock, and have been, to ensure that every determination is made with the best expertise, following the best protocols, following the best science,” said Whitmer.

Governor Whitmer says a decision is coming and it is likely to be announced within the next couple days. By then, we should also know if fall football will happen after all. When asked if she was surprised that the MHSAA resurrected the issue, Whitmer took aim at executive director Mark Uyl and the MHSAA council.

“Listen I think there are leaders in various roles that are struggling to figure out what the right thing to do is,” Whitmer said.

Following that comment, the MHSAA didn’t respond to questions from 13 On Your Side, but they did issue a statement expressing urgency for a decision from Governor Whitmer.

As you can imagine, reaction from coaches was not very positive. They say they’re tired of waiting and want answers now.

“I feel like there’s so much kicking at this point. You can make a case we’re almost already playing soccer,” said Forest Hills Northern soccer coach Dan Siminski, whose team, the defending division two state champions have already missed more than a quarter of their season.

Though he’s in a different sport, Forest Hills Central football head coach Tim Rogers can relate.

“I feel like I’m on an emotional roller coaster,” said Rogers. “You almost got to check out emotionally because it’s just too much.”

Governor Whitmer said she understands why people are getting impatient, but she says she wants them to understand this is a decision, she has to get right.

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