Home Latest Play it safe: What to expect if your kids play youth sports during the COVID-19 pandemic

Play it safe: What to expect if your kids play youth sports during the COVID-19 pandemic

Play it safe: What to expect if your kids play youth sports during the COVID-19 pandemic


Privately run youth sports leagues have largely carried on as usual as states re-open after coronavirus restrictions. But navigating new tournament and league rules can be difficult because recommendations vary, depending on the organizer.

Parents and athletes should read CDC considerations, ask questions, and study each event’s rules before deciding whether your child should play.

CDC recommends that you consider the following when assessing risk:

  • Physical closeness of players, and the time that players are close to each other.  
  • How much equipment is shared, cleaned and disinfected.
  • Ability to engage in social distancing while not engaged in play.
  • Age of the players. Older youths may be better at following directions for social distancing and taking other precautions like not sharing water bottles.
  • Size of the team. Sports with a large number of players on a team may increase the likelihood of spread. 
  • Players at higher risk of developing serious disease.

Whether you are traveling to a tournament over the weekend, or playing a game in your own town, you should make sure to limit stops along your route and restrict contact with others.

If your sporting events last all day or even the weekend be sure to fill a cooler. Concession stands may not be available and bringing food and drinks will limit contact with others. 

Youth sports teams should consider competing only against teams in their local area. Traveling outside the local community may increase the chances of exposing players, coaches, and fans to COVID-19, or unknowingly spreading it to others.

Limit hanging out with the team in public areas of the hotel, unless outside and team members are keeping their distance from each other. Declining daily room service will limit the number of people in your room.

Privately run Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) youth sports are separate from high school sports. State high school sports organizations continue to monitor and update plans heading into the 2020-21 academic/athletic year. Some states plan to move forward as scheduled while others have already modified plans, including shifting the entire fall season to 2021.  

Youth sports organizations will use several strategies to maintain healthy operations on game day.

Players will be asked to wait in their cars until warm-up before the game, instead of forming a group. Parents should wait in their cars until just before game time.

Leagues will increase the amount of time between games to allow for one group to leave before another group enters a facility.

Bring your own chair to games. Bleachers or facility seating areas may be taped off.

Avoid sharing gear and athletic equipment. Discourage unnecessary physical contact, such as high-fives, handshakes, fist bumps, or hugs.


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