Does the future of health tech look like Facebook? Can we cut corners with Covid-19 vaccines? And are journalists slowing down Operation Warp Speed?
We discuss all that and more this week on “The Readout LOUD,” STAT’s biotech podcast. First, we talk about the implications of a big acquisition in health tech that will merge a telemedicine provider with a diabetes coaching company. Then, Johns Hopkins scientist Steven Salzberg calls in to discuss his whirlwind week on the Internet after a blog post on Covid-19 vaccines became a lightning rod. Finally, we delve into just how much those vaccines might cost and whether nosy journalists are making the process take longer than it otherwise would.
For more on what we cover, here’s the Teladoc-Livongo news; here’s Salzberg’s column and the walkback; and here’s the Health and Human Services podcast.
We’ll be back next Thursday evening — and every Thursday evening — so be sure to sign up on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts.
And if you have any feedback for us — topics to cover, guests to invite, vocal tics to cease — you can email readoutloud@statnews.com.
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