Dear Readers,
We all are divinely blessed, and you all are the beautiful and precious soul. We all can lead happy life by following the Spiritual principles with our own personal plan of action. If we start following The Spiritual principles/ steps faithfully we all will begin to see our life changing in a very special way.
Apart from these steps some meditation exercises have been included that will make us think about our life, and the changes that need to be made in order to let the magic happen. Some declarative statements and affirmations that will be sent by us to the universe /creator and the God, to declare that we have gathered the gusto and surely going to enjoy our life full of joy.
These reflections affirmations really create magic. I will set an example over here that if at the very starting of our day we say to our self that, this is my day and I am going to utilise it in the best possible manner, then I am damn sure at the end of the day we will be full of contentment that at least we have get some of the work done from our to do list. All The Spiritual seekers have to come out of the past.
The Spiritual Quest can be answered by only having a true and active relationship with our creator. Let the spirit open for the unlimited growth. Our inner self will provide answers where there is confusion; we only need to acknowledge and welcome it, we all need to depend upon our own spiritual determination to live a magical life. It’s the time to take the first step, and recognise the great power that we call hold within.
It’s so great and expansive that it is capable of unlimited achievement. This power is not the knowledge that we grab from the books. It’s the very essence who we are. It can’t be lost anyway. It’s beyond all our thoughts, religious dogmas, philosophy even far beyond our believe, because it’s the power of our creator (God). The very first step will be to appreciate your own self. Stop thinking yourself inferior to someone. Start thinking good about yourself.
Focus on it.
The good aspect can be anything your kindness, generosity, helping and compassion, caring nature, beauty, dressing sense, craft work, intelligence better cooking and so on.
It can be anything.
Start focusing on that, and start admiring other people also. Try to make each and every moment of your life to be a positive one, start looking at the bright side of the things. Accept the power that resides within you. Thank the God every time for all that you have.
Pay the gratitude to get more from the universe. The universe has immense power and solution of all the problems that we face, the need is to look inside and talk to your own self.