Home Health Alumnus Madhukar Pai named chair of Department of Global and Public Health at McGill University – UC Berkeley Public Health

Alumnus Madhukar Pai named chair of Department of Global and Public Health at McGill University – UC Berkeley Public Health

Alumnus Madhukar Pai named chair of Department of Global and Public Health at McGill University – UC Berkeley Public Health


UC Berkeley School of Public Health is happy to announce that alumnus Madhukar Pai, MD, PhD, has been appointed because the inaugural chair of the Department of Global and Public Health (DGPH) within the School of Population and Global Health at McGill University in Montréal, Canada.

Dr. Pai accomplished his medical coaching and neighborhood medication residency in Vellore, India, earlier than finishing his PhD in epidemiology at UC Berkeley in 2004, adopted by a postdoctoral fellowship at UCSF.

He is a world chief in tuberculosis (TB) analysis and serves on the World Health Organization (WHO) Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for TB within the South-East Asia Region, in addition to the WHO Advisory group on Tuberculosis Diagnostics and Laboratory Strengthening. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. His analysis is concentrated on enhancing the prognosis and remedy of TB, particularly in high-burden nations like India and South Africa.

In 2018, Pai was chosen as one of many 75 most influential alumni of Berkeley Public Health.

“As chair of a newly created Department of Global and Public Health, I hope to build a team that can help address health inequities and advance public health, locally, nationally, and globally, through action-oriented research, interdisciplinary training, allyship, and equitable partnerships,” stated Dr. Pai.

“I grew up in a small town in South India, and I am incredibly privileged to have had the chance to study at Berkeley. When I was honored as one of 75 most influential alumni of Berkeley Public Health, I had noted that my education at Berkeley was ‘life-changing,’” he continued. “Indeed, I could not have received a better start to my career than my PhD at Berkeley and my postdoc training at UCSF. This training gave me the confidence to go into academia, and get to where I am today. Thank you, Berkeley!”

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