Home Latest Amazing health benefits of night Jasmine (raat ki rani) – Times of India

Amazing health benefits of night Jasmine (raat ki rani) – Times of India

Amazing health benefits of night Jasmine (raat ki rani) – Times of India


Night Jasmine, known by various names like raat ki rani, parijaat, harsingar and night-blooming jasmine is a small pleasant-smelling flower. But you will be surprised to know that it is not just beautiful but is also loaded with various health benefits.

Dr Dixa Bhasvar posted on Instagram talking about the many health benefits of night jasmine. The botanical name for night jasmine is Nyctanthes arbor-tristis.

The plant has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Here are some more health benefits of these tiny white flowers.


Take three-four leaves, grind them and boil them with water. Drain and drink it twice a day on an empty stomach for sciatica pain relief.


Take leaves, flowers and bark and add them to 200 ml of water. Now boil it until the water reduces to 1/4, which is 50 ml. Have it warm.

Dry cough

Take dry leaves and grind them in mortar and pestle. Now extract the juice and have it with honey to get relief from dry cough.

Cold, cough and sinus

Drink the tea made by boiling leaves and flowers in water. You can also add some tulsi leaves. Drink this as a tea to get relief from cough and sinus.

Intestinal worms

Take out two teaspoons of juice by grinding the leaves and have it with some mishri and water.


Take 3 grams of bark and 2 grams leaves with 2-3 leaves of tulsi. Boil this in water and drink it two times a day.


Night jasmine oil is used in aromatherapy to relieve stress and anxiety. It helps by increasing the serotonin levels in the brain and regulating mood.

Pain and swelling

Boil some leaves in water and have them once a day to reduce any kind of pain and swelling in the body.


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