Amazon India announced on Saturday its ‘Monsoon Appliances Store’ which brought a host of deals and offers on large appliances, home and kitchen appliances, and others. Up to 50 per cent off is available on the products till August 24. Amazon India claims that it has specially curated the products from various brands.
Products from brands such as Samsung, LG, Whirlpool, Bosch, Wipro, Nayasa, Eureka Forbes, Bajaj, and others are available during the ‘Monsoon Fest’ on Amazon India. The curated store includes services like scheduled delivery, exchange offers, no-cost EMI options, and installation which is convenient in the current scenario as customers are avoiding going to a store directly for products like these.
There are a few bank discounts as well to extend the savings on the purchase of these products. Customers with Bank of Baroda Credit card EMI and a transaction with a minimum purchase of Rs 8,000 are eligible for a five per cent discount (up to Rs 1,500). A 10 per cent discount of upto Rs 1,500 is also available for Federal Debit Cardholders making a minimum purchase of Rs 5,000.
Under the Monsoon sale, there is up to 35 per cent off on front load, top load, and semi-automatic washing machines. Up to 40 per cent off is available on ACs from 1 to 1.8 ton capacity. Water purifiers start at Rs 1,699 whereas mixer grinders start at Rs 1,299 under this sale. Up to 50 per cent off available on kitchen and home appliances. There is also up to Rs 12,000 off available on refrigerators on exchange.
Earlier in August, Amazon’s Prime Day sale included several offers on premium smartphones like iPhone 11, Samsung Galaxy S10, and smart TVs from Sony, OnePlus, LG, Vu, etc. There were few new launches during the sale period as well as new Sony TVs or the affordable smartphone Redmi 9 Prime.
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