Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan has once again proved that after all these years, he is still one of the coolest in the industry. Currently shooting for the game show Kaun Banega Crorepati, Big B took to his Instagram account to post a BTS photo from the sets of the show. In the viral photo, Bachchan is seen sitting on the famous hot seat wearing a three-piece suit, but the viewer’s eyes will be drawn to a pair of cool green shoes that he is sporting. Sharing the photo, Bachchan wrote in the caption, “Neechey hara boot, aur upar matching suit (Green boots with matching suit).”
A closer look at the shoes reveals that the pair is probably the Adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 “Glow”, the glow in the dark colorway of the popular silhouette by Hollywood artist Kanye West. Released in 2019, the Yeezy Boost 350 V2 was an instant hit.
Bachchan’s cool look was lauded by his fans. Bollywood actor Rohit Roy said in a comment, “Amit jiiiiii aren’t you the coolest !! Am definitely robbing these!!” while Riteish Deshmukh commented, “Super cool”.
Recently Big B became one of the first Indian actors to jump on the NFT bandwagon. Bachchan is all set to roll out his own NFTs, including some of the most unique and exclusive artworks surrounding his identity, which will include artworks like verses from his father Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s legendary work Madhushala narrated by the megastar, backstories related to Big B’s works, posters of his movies signed by him, and few other rare elements related to his life converted into digital artwork.
Not just that, the platform fostering the auction is also asking for more suggestions regarding Bachchan-related NFTs. The NFTs will be launched under the aegis of BeyondLife.club, a conglomeration of Rhiti Entertainment, Singapore, and GuardianLink.io, a no-code NFT exchange platform
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