Home Entertainment AP: Man beaten, tonsured over alleged theft at filmmaker’s home

AP: Man beaten, tonsured over alleged theft at filmmaker’s home

AP: Man beaten, tonsured over alleged theft at filmmaker’s home


  • A 20-year-old man was beaten using sticks, abused, and tonsured for allegedly stealing an iPhone from the house of film producer Nutan Naidu.

    Seven people have since been charged under sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) in connection with the incident.

    The incident comes at a time when the state government is facing allegations of rising atrocities against the Dalit community.

  • Victim accused of stealing phone of Naidu’s wife

  • The victim, who belongs to the Scheduled Caste community, had worked at the house of the filmmaker from February to August 1.

    On August 27, he was summoned and accused of stealing the mobile phone of Priya Madhuri, who is the wife of Naidu.

    The man was later beaten with sticks and rods, and had his head forcibly shaved.

  • CCTV footage shows man being beaten, tonsured

    CCTV footage shows man being beaten, tonsured
  • The CCTV footage accessed from the site of the incident shows the man seated on the floor, while seven people were present around him.

    He is then mercilessly beaten with sticks. The man even falls at the feet of a woman present there, requesting to be let off.

    He is subsequently forcibly tonsured.

  • Police case filed against seven people

  • The man, who has denied the allegation of theft, later reported the matter to the police. A case has since been filed against seven people, including Priya Madhuri. They have been charged with attempt to murder and also under the SC/ST Act.

  • In July, man was beaten allegedly on orders of MLA

  • Unfortunately, this is not the first such case.

    Just last month, a Dalit man was beaten by two cops allegedly at the behest of an MLA of the state’s ruling YSR Congress Party. Subsequently, three accused policemen, a sub-inspector and two constables were suspended.

    In another incident, a 25-year-old man died after he was allegedly beaten by a sub-inspector for not wearing a mask.

  • Recent incidents sparked protests, CM Jagan promised strict action

    Recent incidents sparked protests, CM Jagan promised strict action
  • The rising atrocities against Dalits have drawn massive criticism from the Opposition parties, and also sparked protests across the state.

    Reacting to the incidents, Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy warned of strict action against anyone involved in violent, abusive or illegal acts against the community.

    Neither politicians nor policemen would be spared, if involved in such activities, CM Reddy promised.

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