NCB officer Sameer Wankhede on Thursday filed a petition in Bombay high court seeking relief against the probe and claimed that he was being personally attacked by the Maharashtra government.
“I am being personally attacked by the state. My apprehension is that the state will arrest me any day. I want interim protection in form of no coercive relief,” Wankhede told Bombay high court.
Wankhede also demanded the probe be transferred to CBI or any central agency in the matter.
“I am not a drug peddler. I am a Zonal Director. Give the probe to CBI or NIA but stop the vilification. The section specifically requires protection of a central government officer. The law requires the court to step in and protect me if my rights are likely to be violated,” Wankhede said.
Sameer Wankhede is in the eye of a political storm following allegations of extortion in the high-profile cruise drugs case in which actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan was arrested. The officer is facing the departmental vigilance probe.
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