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ASPECT IT: Could technology help your business to grow during the Covid-19 pandemic?

ASPECT IT: Could technology help your business to grow during the Covid-19 pandemic?


By Peter Dorotiak, Director at Aspect IT

THE pandemic has damaged the UK economy and many businesses are struggling financially. Can small businesses survive or even see growth in this economic climate?

Technology can play a vital role in helping your business survive and even grow in these uncertain times.

Here are our top three tips:

1. Reassess your plans using technology

If you have not already done so, now is the time to reassess your business and marketing plans.
Decide which direction you will take. Are you going to minimize your costs and sit it out or make strategic decisions to take advantage of opportunities in your sector?

Whatever approach you take, make sure you are using up-to-date data. Management information systems play a vital role in helping managers make key decisions. Ensure you are using the best systems for your business.

2. Streamline your business processes
Technology can streamline many types of businesses and it can even help reduce costs. Review your business processes to see if any area can be automated or streamlined using technology. You may be able to increase sales or manufacturing output by improving your systems.

3. Stay relevant with digital marketing
Staying in touch with your customers is even more important during the pandemic. Let them know you are open and ready to do business.

Post regular and relevant content to attract new followers. There are many tools available which can automate posts to your social media channels and analyse the data you receive, making the process simple and time efficient.

Need help or advice for your business?
If you are reviewing your technology requirements for your business, we can help. Contact us today on 0161 241 9050 or visit our website at www.aspectit.co.uk


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