Home Latest Astronomers uncover unusual two exoplanets which could be water worlds 218 lights 12 months –

Astronomers uncover unusual two exoplanets which could be water worlds 218 lights 12 months –

Astronomers uncover unusual two exoplanets which could be water worlds 218 lights 12 months –


Astronomers discover strange two exoplanets which might be water worlds 218 lights year away

Astronomers discover strange two exoplanets which might be water worlds 218 lights year away

Pakyong, 17 Dec : In the recent year, the space exploration is taking up pace with the latest launching of James Webb Space Telescope superior than Hubble Space Telescope has made remarkable discovery of distant galaxies and the Universes. The most intriguing question out of all hypothesis and analysis being carried ends up to a point where science is yet to ascertain whether or not life can be possibly found elsewhere away from our solar system where there’re signature of sustaining life which necessarily requires gases like Hydrogen, Oxygen, Helium etc. and most important of all is presence of liquid Water. These discoveries are done by researchers using highly sophisticated , accurate and far sighting instruments that can detect traces of elements at thousands and millions and billions of light years away from the Earth Observatory. The scientific rush for the hunt for Earth like planet is a biggest challenge for scientific community and curious astronomers world wide.


Two planets found by NASA’s retired Kepler Space Telescope may be made mostly of water, according to new research publish.
These two exoplanets, dubbed Kepler-138c and Kepler-138d, orbit a star located about 218 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Lyra.
Scientists intrigued by 2014 data from the Kepler Space Telescope decided to revisit the two planets using the Hubble Space Telescope and NASA’s retired Spitzer Space Telescope in hopes of better understanding the distant worlds and what they’re made of. And surprisingly, the answer might be mostly water.

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