Home Latest ATEC Kudos – September 2020 | School of Arts Technology and Emerging Communication (ATEC) at UT Dallas

ATEC Kudos – September 2020 | School of Arts Technology and Emerging Communication (ATEC) at UT Dallas

ATEC Kudos – September 2020 | School of Arts Technology and Emerging Communication (ATEC) at UT Dallas


Congratulations to ATEC Undergraduate Student Tiffany Page Carter for being named a 2020-21 TI Founders Leadership Fellow. Carter transferred to UT Dallas with an AA in Journalism and is currently a Collegium V Honors student and Terry Scholar with a focus in Critical Media Studies. The fellowship is awarded annually and is designed to provide immersive training for aspiring fundraising professionals and to cultivate nonprofit leaders in the Dallas area. Carter will engage in a year-long internship with the UT Dallas Office of Development and Alumni Relations.

ATEC PhD Student Fiona Katie Haborak published “Identity, Curated Branding, and the Star Cosplayer’s Pursuit of Instagram Fame” in Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 34. https://doi.org/10.3983/twc.2020.1949

ATEC PhD Student Luke Bernfeld defended and will graduate, Fall 2020. Title of Dissertation: “Peering Into the Blackbox: The Role of Digital Game Development in Game Studies.”

Supervising Committee: ATEC Associate Professor Monica Evans (Chair), ATEC Clinical Professor Tim Christopher, ATEC Professor Roger Malina, ATEC Professor Kim Knight

ATEC Critical Media Studies Undergraduate Alum Marco Salinas (Fall 2019) received a journalism fellowship with the Just Media Project.

ATEC Assistant Professor Juan Llamas-Rodriguez created the Global Media Cultures podcast, a collection of conversations with media scholars based on the recordings for his fall 2020 class. In these conversations, scholars investigating animation, television, film, digital platforms, and music in a global context describe their research process, the relationship between media and society, and the continued relevance of their work within current world events. Among the guests is ATEC Assistant Professor of Instruction Laura Imaoka. The sound mixing and editing was performed by ATEC undergraduate Alan Yu. Episodes are released every Tuesday at www.globalmediacultures.org

ATEC Kudos is a monthly posting that recognizes achievements by ATEC faculty, staff, and students. Let us know the great work happening at ATEC! Submit your shout-outs here.


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