Home Entertainment August Movie Nights at the Sprague Theater

August Movie Nights at the Sprague Theater

August Movie Nights at the Sprague Theater


BANDON — Movies are back at the Sprague Community Theater. “Judy” plays on the big screen Thursday and Friday, Aug. 27 and 28, at 7 p.m. Academy award winning Renee Zellweger plays Judy Garland in a bio-pic adapted from the Broadway play “End of the Rainbow.” The film also stars Rufus Sewell and Finn Wittrock. “Judy” (Lions Gate Films 2019) is rated PG-13.

Movie admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors age 60 and older, and $3 for youth age 11 to 18. Children age 10 and younger are admitted free with an adult. Refreshments are available for purchase. Tickets are available online at BandonEvents.org or at the box office. The Sprague Community Theater is located at 1202 11th St. SW in Bandon City Park.

Due to COVID-19 safety precautions, admission is limited for each movie showing. Ushers will provide directions for entering, exiting and seating. Patrons are reminded to wear a mask or face covering and maintain six feet social distance as much as possible. For more event details, visit BandonEvents.org.


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