Home Latest Bearkats react to Southland Conference on postponing fall sports to spring of 2021

Bearkats react to Southland Conference on postponing fall sports to spring of 2021

Bearkats react to Southland Conference on postponing fall sports to spring of 2021


BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) — “Let’s see if we can put some ideas together and see if a spring season is possible,” said Sam Houston State Head Football Coach K.C. Keeler. “Right now I don’t know if anyone knows if that is possible or not because no one has put enough thought into it but that’s going to be the next thing that we’re going to do,” continued Keeler.

Thursday’s announcement by the Southland Conference was not a surprise. Many Football Championship Subdivison conferences had already made the decision not to compete this fall, but the league had yet to made a public decision giving the Bearkat players, coaches, and fans that a season was a possibility.

“I addressed the team this morning and I could tell there was disappointment,” added Keeler.

The postponement of fall sports means there will be no Bearkat football for the first time since 1945. And while playing in the spring sounds good, there are lots of obsticals to overcome including a 20-21 season that could kickoff 3 months after the spring season would be complete.

“I think what you’re going to have to do is you’re going to have to have an abbreviated season in the spring and then possibly push back the fall. I think guys smarter than me are going to try to figure out how this is all going to work,” explained Keeler.

“Just hearing the fact that there was a possibility of a spring season it kind of shocked me just because I’ve never played football in the spring besides spring practices and things like that, but honestly just having an opportunity to play a full season, that’s what excites me the most,” said Sam Houston State Linebacker and A&M Consolidated product Trevor Williams.

Today’s announcement by the league affects all fall sports including cross country, soccer and volleyball. It’s something 37 year veteran coach Brenda Gray who has dealt with a lot has been stunned by.

“I’ve been here a while I’ve seen a lot. I’ve seen a lot of changes through not only sports but life in general. But this is something that takes precedent over every part of life,” said Sam Houston State Head Volleyball Coach Brenda Gray.

This is the second time that Athletic Director Bobby Williams has had to tell Bearkat Athletes that their seasons are being altered and it’s a tough talk to have.

“It comes down to a lot of emotion and you want to make sure that you are encouraging them. Try to give as much hope as you can and just be there for them,” wrapped up the Bearkat A.D.

The focus now will be on school and training with the hopes of some kind of season in the spring.

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