This is a continuing series of online activities to undertake on your computer or tablet, as well as local in-person events.
Lectures & learning
• Torrey Pines Bank presents its Fall 2021 Economic Forum at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 29, online. Economist Christopher Thornberg will speak about how the San Diego regional economy fared amid unprecedented conditions. Free. info.torreypinesbank.com/econ-forum-fall-2021
Families & children
• The La Jolla/Riford Library presents “Virtual Reality & Coding” at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, at 7555 Draper Ave. The event, for students in grades five through 10, uses hands-on technology to teach virtual reality, Python coding and robotics. Free. lajollalibrary.org/events
Arts & culture
• Warwick’s bookstore presents zoologist Bill Schutt at 4 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 23, online. Schutt will discuss his new book, “Pump: A Natural History of the Heart,” in conversation with Tiffany Fox, communications manager for the UC San Diego surgery department. Free. warwicks.com/event/schutt-2021
• The Perry Gallery will host an open house at 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 24, at 2218 Avenida de la Playa, La Jolla. The event will feature new artwork by local artists as well as works from the La Jolla Art Association. Many of the artists will attend. Free. theperrygallery.com
• La Playa Gallery presents a reception for its “Vibrant Expressions” exhibit at 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 24, at 2226 Avenida de la Playa, La Jolla. The exhibit, a solo show of oil-on-linen impressionism paintings by Cathy Carey, runs through Thursday, Sept. 30. Free. bit.ly/CareyPlaya
• The La Jolla Historical Society presents “Trifecta: Art, Science, Patron” starting at noon Saturday, Sept. 25, at 780 Prospect St. The exhibition, featuring art inspired by science, runs through Sunday, Jan. 16. Free. lajollahistory.org
• Quint Gallery’s ONE presents works by brothers and artistic collaborators Einar and Jamex De La Torre beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, at 7655 Girard Ave., La Jolla. An installation of lenticulars and glass-blown mixed-media sculptures by the De La Torres will be on display, including the exhibit’s central work, “Vodyanoy.” The exhibit runs through Saturday, Oct. 23. Free. quintgallery.com

Le Salon de Musiques presents “Inner Journey” on Sunday, Sept. 26, at the La Jolla Woman’s Club.
(Courtesy of Le Salon de Musiques)
• Le Salon de Musiques presents “Inner Journey” at 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 26, at the La Jolla Woman’s Club, 7791 Draper Ave. The chamber music concert will feature works of Bach, Beethoven and Schubert, performed by violinists Jessica Guideri and Ambroise Aubrun, violist Ben Ullery, and cellists Taeguk Mun and Javier Iglesias Martin. $95. LeSalondeMusiques.com
• La Jolla Playhouse presents Innovation Night at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 27, at 2910 La Jolla Village Drive. The event will honor Hale BioPharma Ventures Chairman and Chief Executive David Hale in an evening featuring science and technology innovators and performances by the ensemble String Theory. $250. swatkins@ljp.org
• Arts District Liberty Station presents “Creative Conversations with Imperfects” at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 28, online. The event will feature Imperfects founder Michael Lynch. Free. bit.ly/ArtsDistrictSept28
• The Athenaeum Music & Arts Library continues its “Divine Dante” lecture series with “La Divina Commedia–Inferno” at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 28, online. Victoria Martino leads the series commemorating the 700th anniversary of the poet’s death. $16 per lecture for Athenaeum members; $21 for non-members. ljathenaeum.org/special-lectures
• The Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center presents the Joyce Forum Jewish Short Film Festival starting Friday, Oct. 1, online and at the David & Dorothea Garfield Theatre, 4126 Executive Drive, La Jolla. The three-day festival will feature 25 short films from the United States, Israel and Argentina. $15 and up. lfjcc.org/cjc/sdijff.aspx
• The Athenaeum Music & Arts Library presents the first concert of its “Acoustic Evening Series with Jefferson Jay” at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 1, at 1008 Wall St., La Jolla. The event, curated and hosted by San Diego Music Hall of Fame founder Jay, will feature Sue Palmer, Rob Deez and Jon Zampese. $15 for Athenaeum members ($39 for the three-concert series); $20 for non-members ($54 for the series). ljathenaeum.org/acoustics

The Athenaeum Music & Arts Library will present pianist Gustavo Romero on four consecutive Sundays beginning Oct. 3.
(Courtesy of Athenaeum Music & Arts Library)
• The Athenaeum Music & Arts Library presents its 22nd annual “Summer Festival” beginning at 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3, at 1008 Wall St., La Jolla. The event, held in October this year, will feature pianist Gustavo Romero on four consecutive Sundays. $50 per concert for Athenaeum members ($192 for the series); $55 per concert for non-members ($212 for the series). Dinner options available. ljathenaeum.org/summer-festival
• La Jolla Playhouse presents “The Garden” through Sunday, Oct. 17, at the Sheila and Hughes Potiker Theatre, 2910 La Jolla Village Drive. The world-premiere play explores the complex relationship between two women. $25 and up. lajollaplayhouse.org
• The Old Globe presents “Anonymous Biography: The Arguments of Juan Saer” through Sunday, Oct. 31, online. The five-part production, directed by Johanna McKeon, is available in both English and Spanish. Free. youtube.com/user/TheOldGlobe
Galas & events
• The La Jolla Community Center presents “Canvas Design & Wine” at 6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 27, at 6811 La Jolla Blvd. The class will offer the basics of acrylic painting with step-by-step guidance, plus a glass of wine. $20 for Community Center members; $25 for non-members. Registration required. ljcommunitycenter.org
Do you have an event — online or in person — that you’d like to see here? Email your leads to efrausto@lajollalight.com. ◆
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