Home Crime BJP Leader’s Car Blocks Ambulance, Resulting in Patient’s Death; Family Threatened by Leader. | DH Latest News, DH NEWS, Uttar Pradesh, dying, Latest News, India, NEWS, Crime , police inaction, BJP chief, video recording., negligence, Uttar Pradesh, social media, Sitapur district, affected person dying, ambulance, Umesh Mishra, Threat

BJP Leader’s Car Blocks Ambulance, Resulting in Patient’s Death; Family Threatened by Leader. | DH Latest News, DH NEWS, Uttar Pradesh, dying, Latest News, India, NEWS, Crime , police inaction, BJP chief, video recording., negligence, Uttar Pradesh, social media, Sitapur district, affected person dying, ambulance, Umesh Mishra, Threat

BJP Leader’s Car Blocks Ambulance, Resulting in Patient’s Death; Family Threatened by Leader. | DH Latest News, DH NEWS, Uttar Pradesh, dying, Latest News, India, NEWS, Crime , police inaction, BJP chief, video recording., negligence, Uttar Pradesh, social media, Sitapur district, affected person dying, ambulance, Umesh Mishra, Threat


A BJP chief in Uttar Pradesh’s Sitapur district has been accused of inflicting the dying of a person who was being transported to a hospital in an ambulance by blocking the street together with his unattended automobile. The affected person’s household alleges that the BJP chief, Umesh Mishra, threatened them with dire penalties when confronted about his actions.

According to reviews, the affected person, Suresh Chandra, complained of chest ache on Saturday and was instantly referred to a Lucknow hospital. As they have been leaving the district hospital, medical doctors knowledgeable them that the affected person was having a coronary heart assault. However, they have been pressured to cease as Umesh Mishra had parked his WagonR automobile on the street and left. The ambulance was unable to maneuver for greater than half-hour, and Suresh Chandra died inside, writhing in ache. Mishra later returned and hurled expletives on the affected person’s household.

A video recorded by bystanders confirmed Umesh Mishra, who claimed to be the brother of BJP chief and Block Chief Ramkinkar Pandey, verbally abusing the affected person’s brother-in-law and threatening to get him framed in police circumstances. He claimed that the District Magistrate and the Superintendent of Police labored underneath his directions and that he would ‘finish him’ . Although just a few police personnel have been current on the scene, nobody intervened whereas Mishra fumed on the affected person’s household. He later fled the spot in his automobile.

The video of the incident has gone viral on social media, with many criticizing the police for his or her inaction.

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