Black pepper is loaded with the vitamins and minerals, which makes it an excellent superfood that helps to cure several health ailments and also speeds up the weight loss process by boosting the metabolism.
The spice is packed with benefits of Vitamin A, K, C, and minerals like calcium, potassium and sodium. Besides, kali mirch is also rich in healthy fats and dietary fiber. Studies suggest that spicy foods help in metabolising the food, due to the thermogenic effect. The thermogenic effect or thermic effect of food (TEF) is referred to as the spike in the rate at which your body burns calories that happen after ingestion of food. It is believed that the thermogenic effect can influence the number of calories burned and can help achieve your weight loss goal sooner. Moreover, spicy foods also promote the feeling of fullness and decrease the craving for unhealthy foods.
Black pepper contains piperine, a compound that improves digestion and metabolic performance. This compound actually reduces the accumulation of fat in your body and helps you maintain a healthy weight.
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