Home Latest BLOG: Where we stand with high school sports

BLOG: Where we stand with high school sports

BLOG: Where we stand with high school sports


Nobody is happy about high school sports right now.

Some of you are up in arms that the entire fall sports schedule isn’t being played; others are aghast that any sports are being offered. Nothing that happens in the near future is like to please either group.

The best-case scenario at this point is a cobbled-together fall schedule of several sports, and it may be less than that.

Section II basically punted on Thursday, leaving it up to leagues and individual schools how they want to move forward with low- and moderate-risk fall sports. There have been lots of online conferences (one athletic director described an eight-hour league meeting on the subject). Superintendents will ultimately have to decide how to proceed.

There’s a lot to sort out in very little time. And it’s not just about fear of the coronavirus. It’s how to pull off sports with a lack of buses, it’s the threat of aid being cut by the state, it’s not knowing if there are enough bodies to institute all the regulations associated with the coronavirus.

I’m told that some leagues are considering varsity-only play. Leagues may also decide to play only the low-risk sports, going without soccer and field hockey. I made about a dozen calls on Friday and a lot of coaches and ADs weren’t sure what will ultimately happen.


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