Lemon, one of the two main ingredients of this beverage is a rich source of vitamin C. The juice of one lemon provides around 21 per cent of a person’s daily value (DV). Additionally, the citric fruit is rich in flavonoids, a compound with powerful disease-fighting properties.
The drink is low in fat, carbs, sugar, but contains traces of several vitamins and minerals, including potassium, folate, and vitamin B.
The nutritional value of each glass of lemon water varies depending on how much lemon juice is squeezed in it and other ingredients added to it.
As per dietary guidelines, females older than 19 years must take 75 mg of vitamin C and for males older than 19 years it is 90 mg per day. Those who smoke need more vitamin C per day than those who do not.
When it comes to specifically boiled lemon water, there are still not many scientific studies carried out that can help us understand if boiling changes the nutritional content. Some studies suggest that boiling may actually reduce the number of nutrients in the drink. Even then drinking boiled lemon is said to be extremely beneficial for health. Some health benefits of drinking it are:
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