Home Latest Border Patrol agents using sUAS technology to arrest undocumented immigrants

Border Patrol agents using sUAS technology to arrest undocumented immigrants

Border Patrol agents using sUAS technology to arrest undocumented immigrants


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(Source: CBP)

EDINBURG, Texas — The Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol sector is using small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) to detain smugglers and undocumented immigrants.

sUAS are a type of aircraft used without the need for a human pilot. Instead, the small drones are used and piloted from a remote location.

Border Patrol agents have used sUAS to arrest more than 1500 people in the Rio Grande Valley, including 67 people just over the weekend.

On Saturday, a sUAS team located and arrested 16 undocumented immigrants travelling through dense brush in Mission.

Later that day, agents located 14 undocumented immigrants in Mission near the Rio Grande using a sUAS team.

Surveleince video from a sUAS team (source: U.S. Customs and Border Protection)


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