Home Entertainment Buscabulla offers electro-Caribbean music for the pandemic

Buscabulla offers electro-Caribbean music for the pandemic

Buscabulla offers electro-Caribbean music for the pandemic


When they came back, they found an island devastated after Hurricane Maria, economic crises and political turbulence.

“Lots of locals are leaving, and many foreigners are coming to the country buying land, buying coasts, trying to develop without any regard to the environment,” said Berrios.

Despite those concerns and some melancholy lyrics, the tone of “Regresa,” with its synthesizers and reverbs with retro touches, is calming and warm, like a sunset on the beach. That’s thanks to the sweet voice of Berrios.

“No sabemos” is one of the most electronic songs on the album, and conveys a message to persevere despite the uncertainties of 2020.

“I realized that sometimes things happen in life that we didn’t plan, that end up being a hidden blessing,” said Berrios. She called the song “an exercise of faith.”

Buscabulla had planned a tour after launching “Regresa,” but everything changed with the coronavirus.

“It was a shock at the beginning, but to be honest, I also felt relieved. Having a 6-year-old girl, we would have been away from her all summer,” said Berrios.

She thinks the pandemic deepened the album’s message. “In the end, the album is about accepting yourself with your mistakes and imperfections,” she said.


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