Home Latest Calcium Deficiency Symptoms: Common signs and symptoms of calcium deficiency

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms: Common signs and symptoms of calcium deficiency

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms: Common signs and symptoms of calcium deficiency


The chances of calcium deficiency increase with age. Many other factors put you at risk, here are some of them.

– Not enough intake of calcium for a long period of time, especially during the childhood

– Some medications can decrease the absorption of calcium

– Dietary intolerance to calcium-rich foods

– Hormonal changes in women

– Certain genetic factors

Women need to increase their calcium intake earlier than men, starting from middle age. It’s important for women to increase their calcium intake as they approach menopause.

The decline in the estrogen hormone during menopause causes a woman’s bones to thin faster. Thus, increasing calcium intake is important to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and calcium deficiency.

Hypoparathyroidism, a hormone disorder that can cause calcium deficiency disease. People suffering from this condition cannot produce enough parathyroid hormone, which controls the calcium levels in the body.

Malnutrition and malabsorption also cause hypocalcemia. Malnutrition is when you don’t get enough nutrients and malabsorption is when your body cannot absorb the vitamins and minerals you need from the food you eat.


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