Home Health Cameroon: North-West and South-West Regions, Health Cluster Update, 15-22 August 2020 | Bulletin # 14 – 23 August, 2020 – Cameroon

Cameroon: North-West and South-West Regions, Health Cluster Update, 15-22 August 2020 | Bulletin # 14 – 23 August, 2020 – Cameroon

Cameroon: North-West and South-West Regions, Health Cluster Update, 15-22 August 2020 | Bulletin # 14 – 23 August, 2020 – Cameroon



• In NW region, 15 out of the I9 health districts reported confirmed cases of COVID-l9. 63 % of the cases have been recorded in Bamenda and 13% of total cases recorded in Fundong health district.

• In SW region, 10 out of the I8 health districts reported confirmed cases of COVID-l9. 76% of the cases have been recorded in Buea and Limbe health districts.

• Early Warning Alerts, and Response System (EWARS) reported one suspected Cholera case in Ekona, Muyuka Health district, South West Region (SWR).

• OCHA and WHO deployed Epidemiologists to the SWNW regional delegation of public health to support the delegation and strengthen the COVID-19 response.


• Ensure the all health districts implement COVID-19 response activities (contact tracing, testing, sensitization and case management).

• Stronger sensitization is required to counter the misinformation about the management of COVID-19 in the communities and at health facilities.

• There is need for more CHWs to be trained and empowered to carry out community activities.

• There is need to strengthen the information-sharing mechanism between the health districts and regional delegation of public health.


• There is inadequate infrastructure and equipment for COVID-19 case management in the regions.

• Very few communities tested using RDTs in remote health districts.

• Reduced positivity of RDTs leading to fewer contacts followed and an apparent decline which may not be realistic (source SW regional delegation).


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