Home FEATURED NEWS Canada-based gangster Lakhbir Singh Landa takes accountability for Shiv Sena chief Sudhir Suri’s killing : The Tribune India

Canada-based gangster Lakhbir Singh Landa takes accountability for Shiv Sena chief Sudhir Suri’s killing : The Tribune India



The Tribune, now revealed from Chandigarh, began publication on February 2, 1881, in Lahore (now in Pakistan). It was began by Sardar Dyal Singh Majithia, a public-spirited philanthropist, and is run by a belief comprising 4 eminent individuals as trustees.

The Tribune, the most important promoting English each day in North India, publishes information and views with none bias or prejudice of any variety. Restraint and moderation, somewhat than agitational language and partisanship, are the hallmarks of the paper. It is an impartial newspaper in the true sense of the time period.

The Tribune has two sister publications, Punjabi Tribune (in Punjabi) and Dainik Tribune (in Hindi).

Remembering Sardar Dyal Singh Majithia

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