Home Entertainment Catch Up On Entertainment Gossip with G-105’s Erica DeLong

Catch Up On Entertainment Gossip with G-105’s Erica DeLong

Catch Up On Entertainment Gossip with G-105’s Erica DeLong


DENVER (AP) — Bradley Bunn had a request after being arrested for building four pipe bombs he intended to use against any officers who tried to seize his guns: He wanted to meet with the federal prosecutor leading the case against him, a member of the Navy Reserve.

The 55-year-old Army veteran told U.S. District Judge Christine Arguello during his sentencing hearing Wednesday that he wanted to hear from someone with a similar military background on how he could take responsibility for what he had done. FBI agents also joined the meeting, and Bunn said he realized those men, who also had backgrounds and training similar to his, were the very people his bombs could have hurt.


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