Chandrika Saha who is thought for her work in reveals like ‘CID’, ‘Adaalat’ and ‘Savdhaan India: Crime Alert’ has reportedly filed a police criticism in opposition to her husband Aman Mishra for banging their 15-month outdated child on the ground thrice. In her criticism, the actress alleged that the incident came about just a few days in the past when Aman was taking good care of the infant boy of their home, and he or she heard the infant cry adopted by a loud thud. When she rushed to the room, she noticed the infant mendacity injured on the ground. Reports additional said that the infant was rushed to the hospital and is steady presently; nonetheless Chandrika checked the CCTV footage and noticed her husband banging the toddler on the ground thrice. Reportedly, Aman had suggested Chandrika to bear abortion when he discovered that she was pregnant. The couple obtained married final month when the infant was 14 months outdated. For extra information and updates, keep tuned to ETimes.
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