Home Latest channelnews : Sharp Technology Killing COVID-19, Mould & Asthma Airbourne Particles, In Big Demand

channelnews : Sharp Technology Killing COVID-19, Mould & Asthma Airbourne Particles, In Big Demand

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 Sharp Technology Killing COVID-19, Mould & Asthma Airbourne Particles, In Big Demand


Sharp who recently switched their consumer business from their local Australian subsidiary to Tempo, is set to benefit from the inclusion of their exclusive COVID-19 technology called Plasma Cluster in several of their products including a new generation of air purifiers as it also kills mould build up and airbourne particles that start an asthma attack.

ChannelNews understands that several of the major retailer are set to stock Sharp products which will include new refrigerator models and an expanded range of microwaves and air purifiers due to the exclusive Sharp technology.

At Tempo, the relaunch of the Sharp brand is being spearheaded by Michael Richardson a former Vice President at Samsung Australia and he is already witnessing demand for products with the Sharp Plasma Cluster technology built in.

One big benefit of this technology is that it not only removes 91.3% of the airborne particles associated with COVID-19 it also removes mould spores from the air which is ideal in damp homes and homes located in sub-tropical areas such as Queensland.

It’s also excellent technology for asthma sufferers due to its removal of airborne particles that can bring on an asthma attack.

One Sharp customer who suffered from Asthma wrote recently in a blog, ‘I decided to purchase the Sharp KC-850U Plasmacluster Air Purifier for my bedroom, and within a week, I was breathing freely.

He went on to say that “As much as possible, I’ve tried to remove the potential sources of mould from my home. I moved plastic bins around in my basement to find that moister somehow collected, and there was mould growing on the bottom. For years I’ve known to keep the gasket of my refrigerator squeaky clean, my bathrooms are as clean as I can see, wet towels are never put into the laundry basket, and I do my best to keep the basement clean. Honestly, I could spend every day looking for the source and would not ever find it”.

According to scientists the majority of mould spores measure between 2 and 10 microns and are only visible when viewed under a microscope.

For comparison, a human hair is between 50–75 microns.

The US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) puts a finer point on the issue stating that there are more than 200 species of fungi, or what is generically called mould or mildew that people are routinely exposed to indoors and outdoors. They estimate that up to 50 percent of the population has a sensitivity to mould. The presence of mould can cause health problems that affecting immune response.

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