Home Latest Charges of tried rape dropped in opposition to Manchester United’s Mason Greenwood

Charges of tried rape dropped in opposition to Manchester United’s Mason Greenwood

Charges of tried rape dropped in opposition to Manchester United’s Mason Greenwood


A yr after he was suspended from enjoying for Manchester United when his girlfriend accused him of tried rape, controlling habits and assault, posting disturbing photos on social media, Mason Greenwood has been cleared of all costs.

“A decision has been made to discontinue prosecution in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors,” the Crown Prosecution Service stated in an announcement naming Greenwood.

Chief Superintendent Michaela Kerr, GMP’s head of public safety, stated it was “only fair” that the drive publicised the newest growth given the “significant media coverage of this case”.

She added: “The investigation staff has remained in common contact with the authorized staff, offering any updates of notice, and so perceive the rationale for the discontinuation of proceedings at this stage, and that this choice has not been taken evenly.

“Despite the media and public’s interest in this case, we have decided not to comment on it in any further detail.”

Ms Kerr did nevertheless attraction to individuals who felt they had been, or may need been, a sufferer, reiterating GMP’s “commitment to investigating allegations of violence against women and girls”.

She continued: “An ever-increasing number of officers are receiving specialist training and the force is more consistently utilising tools, available via the criminal justice system, to keep people safe and care for victims. If you feel you are or might be a victim, please don’t let this case put you off asking for help.”

Since being accused of the aforementioned costs, Greenwood has been away from soccer and social media, having not stated something on the matter. Earlier, a trial date for the case had been set for 27 November this yr.

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