Home FEATURED NEWS Chinese App Ban: App companies quizzed on data sharing, political ties | India Business News – Times of India

Chinese App Ban: App companies quizzed on data sharing, political ties | India Business News – Times of India

Chinese App Ban: App companies quizzed on data sharing, political ties | India Business News – Times of India


NEW DELHI: Companies running recently banned Chinese apps have been served a questionnaire with around 80 queries seeking information such as whether owners are associated with any political party and if the firm is required to share data under China’s law.
The government’s actions are based on concerns that data was being shared with Chinese agencies, including the People’s Liberation Army. It comes in the wake of China delaying vacating territory intruded upon by the PLA in Ladakh.
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The questions have been divided into sections such as “company”, “ownership”, “services & security”, “privacy policy” and “data-related information”. The section on ownership asks if the company’s owners, directors or “any other members” associated with the firm or its parent entity, subsidiaries or holding company has links with a political party.
The government has asked for the citizenship details of owners and management of the parent and subsidiary companies in case the Indian operations of the app are controlled by a company established in India.
In a question linked to the decision to ban Chinese apps like the popular TikTok, the government has asked if in the event of the majority or controlling shareholder being based out of China, is the company expected to share its data under Chinese law or any other rule or regulation.
The questionnaire seeks details on the financial and technological relation between the parent company and its Indian arm and differences in permissions sought from users in India as compared to those in other locations.
The government has asked about incident response, version update and disclosure with regard to providing information to India’s cybersecurity response cell Cert-In. Given the Chinese practice of providing direct financial support to firms, the queries seek a response on “subsidies” provided for services offered through the app.
Other questions include whether the app’s policies are consistent with India’s Information Technology Act, 2000, and whether users have raised any concerns, if data like IP addresses, browsing history, location and time zones, network type and service IDs and screen resolutions are being collected.
In Video:Govt seeks info on data sharing, political ties from Chinese app companies


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