Home Entertainment Chloe Madeley: I will have kids, but not any time soon

Chloe Madeley: I will have kids, but not any time soon

Chloe Madeley: I will have kids, but not any time soon


Chloe Madeley will have kids “one day”, but not “any day soon”.

The 33-year-old television presenter and fitness enthusiast – who is the daughter of Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan – has been married to James Haskell since 2018, but the couple aren’t planning on starting a family just yet, because they’re both focused on enjoying their careers and “having fun”.

When asked if she sees herself as a mum, Chloe said: “I think I will one day. As soon as you get married, everyone asks, ‘When are you going to have a baby?’ It’s so weird as you must feel guilty saying, ‘I don’t want one yet.’ I love my life, career and it’s that simple, I don’t want to kid right now. James and I will have children when we’re ready and we’re not right now. It will happen when we are and hopefully it will, but as far as we’re concerned, it ain’t happening any day soon. I worked incredibly hard and then we go travelling and have fun. There will come a time when it gets boring, but right now it’s not.”

Chloe also admitted she felt “pressure” to marry James two years ago and was worried their relationship would change once they tied the knot, but is relieved to find they’re just as close as ever.

She explained: “I really thought it would [change], but it hasn’t. I thought, ‘We have to get engaged, we have to get married…’ and I really felt that pressure, which a lot of women in their 30s start to feel.

“So it’s funny now because almost immediately after the wedding I thought, ‘Wow nothing has changed. Why did I care so much?’ Don’t get me wrong, the wedding was amazing, it was a lovely day. We got really drunk, our favourite people were there, I wore an amazing dress and we had gorgeous food. But it took going back to reality to see that I don’t know why I felt I needed this.

“James and I have always been close. I don’t think quarantine or getting married pushed us closer, as we already were.”

The fitness fanatic and her 35-year-old retired rugby star spouse aren’t sure if they’ll renew their wedding vows, but if they did, it would be “an excuse to have a party”.

Chloe told new! magazine: “If we did it would be just as an excuse to have a party – James and I are party people. We love having fun. James loves an expensive cigar and we are hedonistic. People who are into sports or fitness tend to be at extreme ends of the spectrum. So we are healthy, fit and disciplined most of the time, but when we let loose, we really let loose!”


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