Home Latest ‘Civil resistance’: Protesters block roads outside British Parliament

‘Civil resistance’: Protesters block roads outside British Parliament

‘Civil resistance’: Protesters block roads outside British Parliament


Various climate change activists blocked roads outside the Parliament in London. There have been reports of nearly sixty supporters of a group called Insulate Britain sitting on the ground holding banners as they blocked two roads around Parliament.

Some even glued themselves to the ground as part of the protest. 

Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle deemed it as “totally unacceptable” as the group was “interfering with democracy.”

This is not the first time when Insulate Britain has carried out such a protest. Recently, the group has carried out protests blocking various roads and highways in London and various other places in the UK.

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The group demands that the government should improve the energy efficiency of heating in people’s homes by 2030. It has also targeted London’s financial district. 

These protests have angered many people as this leads to miles-long traffic congestion.

Even after officials say that the protests are “unacceptable,” the group has said that it will continue its “civil resistance.” Many protestors have also been arrested for the same. 

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said, “When it gets to the point that protesting against climate change prevents members from this House getting here to hold ministers to account and be heard it is clearly counter-productive.”


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