Home Latest Clubs consider more televised games

Clubs consider more televised games

Clubs consider more televised games


Raheem Sterling is filmed at Brighton
Raheem Sterling is filmed after Manchester City played Brighton in July

Premier League clubs have held positive talks about the prospect of additional matches being televised.

A final decision on the move is set to be made next week.

The government urged the top-flight league to make more games available while fans are not allowed in stadiums because of the coronavirus pandemic.

At present, 160 of the 380 fixtures next season will not be shown on TV, a decision which has been criticised by fans groups.

But with broadcasters willing to help, having already committed to showing 20 additional live games when the season starts on 12 September, it is hoped more matches could become available to supporters.

No decision was made in Thursday’s shareholders meeting about what form that would take.

But Scottish Premiership and the EFL have struck a deal with broadcasters allowing season-ticket holders to watch games via their respective clubs.

In the meeting, there was also a commitment to complete next season should a second wave of coronavirus hit England, although a final decision is yet to be made.

Talks are yet to take place about how Premier League clubs would represent diversity issues after players wore Black Lives Matter logos on their shirts at the end of last season. Any decision will be made after a consultation with players.

As expected, Premier League clubs also voted to drop five substitutions from the start of next season, with up to three being allowed.

Clubs re-voted on the issue after it was re-tabled.


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