Home Latest Colombia Tops 400,000 Coronavirus Cases, Deaths Close to 13,500

Colombia Tops 400,000 Coronavirus Cases, Deaths Close to 13,500

Colombia Tops 400,000 Coronavirus Cases, Deaths Close to 13,500


BOGOTA (Reuters) – Colombia topped 400,000 confirmed coronavirus cases on Tuesday, as deaths climb toward 13,500 and intensive care units in the capital Bogota remain near capacity.

The Andean country has 410,453 confirmed cases of the virus, the health ministry said in its daily tally, while deaths reached 13,475. Active cases number 165,698.

Colombia has been in nationwide lockdown since late March, though most businesses are gradually reopening or allowed to function via delivery.

Intensive care units in Bogota are at about 89% capacity, according to local health authorities. The capital is home to more than a third of Colombia’s cases.

Other major cities, including Medellin, Barranquilla and Cali have also been close to ICU capacity during lockdown, but are enjoying lower hospitalization figures.

(Reporting by Julia Symmes Cobb; Editing by Richard Chang)

Copyright 2020 Thomson Reuters.


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