“Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of THOR.”
Forged in the heart of a dying star, Mjolnir can only be wielded by those who are deemed ‘worthy’.
Thor is more than just a hammer, but because of Mjolnir, Thor became one of the mightiest beings in the universe.
Let’s take a look at the insane powers of Mjolnir.
Mjolnir can enable Thor to teleport across dimensions

By grasping Mjolnir by the leather handle and rapidly swirling it, Thor can channel energies for creating wormholes to pass through it and reach his destinations quickly.
He can open gateways that allow him to travel across locations within moments.
The distance doesn’t matter so he can even go across entire dimensions, as he does when he travels from Asgard to Earth and vice-versa.
It can channel Thor’s godly powers for the ‘God Blast’

When Thor channels his godly energies into the hammer, which has its own mystical properties, Mjolnir is capable of launching a single massive energy beam known as the God Blast.
The God Blast is so immensely powerful and destructive that it can even kill immortals.
Thor has used the God Blast to make Galactus flee and defeat Surtur, Ymir, Juggernaut, and Zelia.
Mjolnir has its own weather manipulation abilities

Although Thor can control the weather, wielding Mjolnir lets him manipulate elements of a storm, i.e. rain, wind, thunder, lightning and more.
Together, they can create electrical storms, lightning, hurricane-force winds, tornadoes, blizzards, tidal waves, exploding volcanoes, earthquakes and torrential rains.
Mjolnir can create these phenomena individually as well.
This power allows them to stop any of these weather conditions instantly.
Mjolnir is capable of countering magic

Apart from its own magical energies, Mjolnir can also counter magic.
It can see a spell or enchantment and get rid of it so that Thor and his opponent are on equal playing fields.
Thor used this ability when he was fighting Juggernaut to remove the mutant’s invulnerability.
He also used Mjolnir to counter Mephisto and prevented him from taking souls to Dormammu’s Realm.
It can absorb energy blasts and redirect them

Thor is able to use Mjolnir to absorb any energy blasts directed towards him and redirect it back amplified many times over towards the source or use it as a weapon of his own.
Thor has used Mjolnir to absorb Ultron’s entire energy source, the Silver Surfer’s Power Cosmic, Sky-Walker’s Cosmic Tempest, radio active energy, and even a portion of Pangoria’s planetary magnetic field.
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