Home Health Corona to decline in TS by September : Health Director

Corona to decline in TS by September : Health Director

Corona to decline in TS by September : Health Director


Hyderabad: Telangana Public health Director G Srinivas Rao today stated that Corona cases will decline in the state by this September. While the cases are to come down in GHMC area by August end the problem in all districts will be so by September, he told a media conference here.

About 1800 oxygen beds will be effective soon as tenders called as almost all hospitals are offering corona treatments he said.

This is due to control measures bring opted by the state government he claimed. Rao said that recovery rate increases and death rate decreased in this regard. The government he said has released Rs 100 cr to check Corona pandemic to prevent cases the health director said.

All the government hospitals, PHCs and others in districts and towns are fully equipped with apparatus, staff, labs, and medicines to treat corona patients.

The corona treatment needs only around Rs 10000 and people have to avoid private hospitals and get treatment instead in the government Hospitals.

The official hoped that the private hospitals will stick to government fees structure. There is no need of fear to Corona as it is not deadly and only those with other diseases are losing lives.
He said that from rural, district and city state level there are 1100 health centers offering Corona tests in Telangana.

The government follows ICMR guidelines on Corona testing and offer treatment by using Hitham application, we upload details of Corona patients in the state.

While 14 percent people need ventilation services five percent not and we offer all tests free of cost.

The government will help those in home isolation and others with serious symptoms will be treated in hospitals said. The state government has improved facilities in all districts for people to get treatment for Corona he said.

In addition to Gandhi, Chest, King Koti, Osmania all other hospitals in the state are offering corona treatments to people he added

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