According to a study, a person’s bone marrow could be hit by coronavirus as it may damage the immune cells.
A study in Science Immunology reported that it found “unrecognized” changes in immune cells, called monocytes, released into the blood from the bone marrow. The study found that in coronavirus patients with severe diseases, the monocytes did not function properly.
Earlier, there was no data to suggest that COVID-19 affected the bone marrow of a patient.
Another study in Ireland found patients suffered from persistent fatigue after being hit by the virus. The study which looked into 128 participants found that 52 per cent reported persistent fatigue.
The researchers studied various factors contributing to the fatigue including pre-existing conditions and the severity of the initial illness.
The study found women who accounted for 54 per cent of the participants were the most affected with as many as 67 per cent reporting fatigue with patients with depression more likely to suffer.
However, researchers said more work was needed in the longer term to arrive at a conclusion. The preliminary study hasn’t been peer reviewed as yet.
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