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Covid-19 Live Updates: U.S. Takes Steps to Protect Older People for Flu Season and Increase Child Vaccination Rates

Covid-19 Live Updates: U.S. Takes Steps to Protect Older People for Flu Season and Increase Child Vaccination Rates


The territory, which includes the Caribbean islands of St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas, registered 165 cases over the last seven days as of Thursday, bringing the total number of cases to 869.

Those figures position the U.S. Virgin Islands behind only Texas in the ranking of states and territories where per capita cases are climbing fastest. The territory, whose economy relies heavily on tourism, had reopened for leisure visitors on June 1.

Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. announced last week that as of Wednesday, hotels and Airbnb operators are prohibited from accepting new guests for 30 days. Mr. Bryan also ordered bars, nightclubs and cabarets to shut down until Aug. 31.

The territory, which has 103,000 residents, was already trying to bounce back after being hit in 2017 by two Category 5 storms, Irma and Maria. Tourism, which accounts for a third of the U.S. Virgin Islands economy, is the territory’s largest source of employment.

Hit early and hard by the virus, Iran is in the middle of a second wave.

Iran’s health ministry announced Wednesday that it had reached 20,000 deaths from the virus, but health experts inside and outside Iran — and even members of the Iranian Parliament — suggest that the number may be many times higher.

To understand what’s going on, Farnaz Fassihi, who covers Iran for The Times, answered some pressing questions and painted a picture of an outbreak still out of control.

What’s the situation in the country?

It’s very bad. It’s in the thick of a second surge worse than the first one in March. The majority of provinces, including the capital, Tehran, are “red zones.” Doctors are saying hospitals and I.C.U. beds are full. At the same time, there are some restrictions for public gatherings but, generally, it’s open for business.

Even by the government’s own numbers, cases are on the rise. What happened?

They opened too soon. When the virus first arrived in the country, they closed down for just two weeks during the New Year holiday in mid-March. They didn’t meet any of the benchmarks when they reopened. There’s no contact tracing. There’s no quarantine.

What are Iranians feeling?

In the early months, people were very scared. They were self-isolating and staying home and not sending their kids to school, even when the schools were still open. But I think as time has passed, like a lot of places, we see that people are becoming more reckless.

There’s also a nuanced dynamic here. This is a government that for 40 years has told people what to do, how to dress, how to behave — and many people’s mind-set is to always defy what the government says. So now, when there’s a pandemic, and the government tells them, “Stay home, wear a mask,” they’re like: “No. We don’t trust you. And you don’t tell us what to do.”

And so for Iran, I think the challenge to contain a pandemic may be greater than it is for other countries because the government is dealing with 70 million people whose default mode is to defy it.

New York will allow voters to cast mail-in ballots.


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