As the global epidemic of Covid 19 is going on and we are struggling to carry on our lives with the lockdown; it seems the pandemic is following a pattern and has got stabilized. The graph of the infected world population shows that it’s the fourth cycle which is going on. From April 03 2020 we are observing a continuous cyclic pattern. It’s evident that the number of cases decrease for the first three days and then increase for the next four days. Peak of the curve is observed on Friday when maximum number of patients are reported whereas on Monday; lowest number of patients are reported. At present the fourth cycle is going on and the highest peak of this cycle is expected on the coming Friday i.e. May 1st. The curve of United States, United Kingdom and Germany are also more or less following the same pattern with some deviations but the world population curve is following an exact pattern of decrease in number of patients for three days and then increase in number of patients for the next four days. The curve of Germany shows that the pattern is being followed but the average values are decreasing as the cycles are going on. Thus, it can be said that the spread of disease in Germany has been controlled by lockdown. The curve of Indian population is still increasing and has not yet stabilized to follow any such cycle or pattern; it is similar to the curve of United States and Germany in the initial phases. Also, the curve of China is dissimilar to the curve of any other country. It seems that although the disease has been curbed in China but the details provided by china are fabricated as the curve of china is dissimilar to the curve of any other country and is nearly following an ideal curve.
Administration and policy makers should wait till the curve of infected Indian population reaches to a phase where it starts repeating a cyclic pattern. When the Indian curve stabilizes and starts repeating itself in the form of cycles and the number of cases starts subsidizing as in the case of Germany; we should then plan to relax the lockdown. As we can we clearly observe that the pandemic is following a pattern, we can plan our lockdowns. When the average number of incoming cases starts decreasing in the coming cycles we can assume that the pandemic is slowing down. The lockdown periods can be planned accordingly and relaxation in the curfews can be given. As the average number of cases in all the three cycles is nearly same the disease is still prevalent and spreading across the world population and has not yet reduced; as soon as lock down will be relaxed the disease will spread more fiercely. The disease will then follow the same pattern but the number of cases will then increase, if now the highest peak is of 1 lakh patients then it would be of 5 lakh patients. The policy makers should take cyclic pattern of the pandemic into consideration and plan lockdown accordingly, as now it can be understood clearly that which pattern is being followed by the pandemic. Talks about releasing the curfew and lockdown are being heard but it would be prudent enough if we follow the pattern and wait for the pandemic cycles to subside; otherwise we may have to bear harsh consequences.

Source: worldometers.info