Home Entertainment COVID-19 Update: Sports Order Variance Process, Entertainment Venue Order

COVID-19 Update: Sports Order Variance Process, Entertainment Venue Order

COVID-19 Update: Sports Order Variance Process, Entertainment Venue Order


COLUMBUS, Ohio—Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted provided the following updates on Ohio’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic on Tuesday.


Governor DeWine
today discussed the recently-issued Director’s Order that Provides
Mandatory Requirements for Youth, Collegiate, Amateur, Club, and
Professional Sports.

The order limits the maximum number of
spectators gathered at an outdoor sports venue to the lesser of 1,500
individuals or 15 percent of fixed, seated capacity. The maximum for
indoor sports venues is the lesser of 300 individuals or 15 percent of
fixed, seated capacity.

“The main purpose of permitting spectators
at school sports events is for officials and loved ones of players,
coaches, team staff members, other event participants to attend,” said
Governor DeWine. “Ideally, the spectator limit would enable at least
two, and perhaps up to four, family members to attend a sports event,
provided that the venue is large enough to allow at least six feet of
social distancing between groups.”

If a venue has more room to
permit additional socially-distanced spectator capacity, a variance
provision in the order allows schools to request a higher spectator
limit by submitting a plan in writing to their local health department
and the Ohio Department of Health. The variance plan must include a
justification for increased capacity and an explanation of how social
distancing will be maintained between family groups.

It is the
responsibility of the school/venue to monitor and enforce the social
distancing requirement, prohibition on congregating among spectators,
and the other provisions outlined in the sports order. Evaluating a
sports venue’s variance plan may require conversations with school/venue
officials and a site visit. The Ohio Department of Health will rely
upon local health departments to conduct the first assessment of the
variance plan.

Variances will not be granted to expand the number
of fans beyond family members of both teams and others who may perform
during the event.


Interim Ohio Department of Health Director Lance Himes signed the Director’s Order that Provides Mandatory Requirements for Entertainment Venues.


Governor DeWine reminded Ohio citizens to complete the 2020 Census.

The Census determines how $675 billion is distributed among the states and Ohio’s representation in Congress.

Those who have not yet completed the census can do so at www.2020Census.gov or by calling 1-844-330-2020.


Lt. Governor Husted
provided a reminder about the Ohio Diversity & Inclusion Technology
Internship Program, which pairs college students with tech companies
and any company with a technology-related need.

The program is looking for additional businesses to apply. Visit development.ohio.gov for more information.


are 116,495 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in Ohio and 3,996
confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths. A total of 12,956 people have
been hospitalized, including 2,903 admissions to intensive care units.
In-depth data can be accessed by visiting coronavirus.ohio.gov.

For more information on Ohio’s response to COVID-19, visit coronavirus.ohio.gov or call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH.


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