Chennai Super Kings (CSK) owner N Srinivasan on Monday offered a clarification about his previous comments on Suresh Raina, when he said cricketers are like “prima donnas”, and has said that his words were taken out of context. He further said that the franchise will stand by Raina and that the former India batsman will always have their support during “these times of distress”. Raina, whose contribution to the team was described as “phenomenal” by Srinivasan, recently opted out of the 2020 season of the Indian Premier League (IPL), and returned to India.
“Suresh Raina’s contribution to the Chennai Super Kings franchise is second to none and it is unfortunate that people are trying to put two and two together to drive a wedge,” Srinivasan was quoted as saying by the Times of India.
“His contribution to CSK has been phenomenal over the years,” the CSK boss added.
“It is important to understand what Suresh is going through and give him space.”
“The franchise will always stand by him and he has our complete support during these times of distress,” Srinivasan added.
Earlier, the Outlook had quoted the former Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) president as saying, “Cricketers are like prima donnas … like the temperamental actors of the olden days.”
Offering a clarification on the quote, he said: “These boys, they’re family. They’ve been family for over a decade now. When I said ‘cricketers are like prima donnas’, it wasn’t in a negative sense. A prima donna is the lead singer in an opera. Similarly, cricketers are always at the forefront of an exercise like this,” he said.
Raina returned to India on August 29, with franchise CEO KS Viswanathan saying that the left-hander had left the United Arab Emirates (UAE) due to “personal reasons”.
“My thinking is that if you are reluctant or not happy, go back. I don’t force anyone to do anything … sometimes success gets into your head,” Srinivasan had been quoted as saying.
“The season has not begun yet and Raina will certainly realise what he is missing and certainly all the money (a salary of 11 crores per season) he is going to lose,” he was further quoted as saying.
CSK have been beset by problems even before the tournament has started.
CSK’s preparations for the upcoming Indian Premier League hit a snag after it emerged that two players and some staff members of the franchise tested positive for COVID-19.
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