Home Latest Debate: Using Technology to Fuel Growth – Business Leader

Debate: Using Technology to Fuel Growth – Business Leader

Debate: Using Technology to Fuel Growth – Business Leader


Technology is transforming the way we carry out business – influencing every aspect of a company, from human resources to paying wages. But what does a good tech stack look like and are we certain we’re investing in the right technology and deploying it so it will make a real, measurable impact?

This event aims to discuss how business decision-makers from various sectors are sourcing and using technology, giving real-life examples of the impact it is having, the mistakes they feel they may have made and what role they see technology playing in their businesses in the future.

The debate will also go one more rung up the ladder and ask what role they see artificial intelligence – and virtual and augmented reality – having in their businesses and dive into the human versus tech scenario.

The location for this event will be confirmed shortly.

Taking part in the debate will be leaders from sectors as diverse as law, construction and financial services and the following will be discussed:

  • What does technology mean to businesses?
  • What technology platforms and services are businesses investing in?
  • How is technology having a positive impact?
  • People versus tech – how can they work in harmony?
  • How can technology empower diversity and inclusion?
  • Does more tech mean more homeworking?
  • Emerging technology we need to look out for
  • Technology for measuring and improving happiness

Thank you to PureComms for supporting this very special in-person event.


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