Actress Deepika Padukone celebrated her thirty eighth birthday on Friday. As ordinary, the star selected to maintain the celebration personal and low-key. Despite not sharing any footage or movies from the festivities, her followers worldwide flooded her social media with love and desires. Two days after her birthday, Deepika lastly shared a glimpse of the celebration—a snapshot that includes her birthday cake. The cake, bearing the message “Happy Birthday baby” with Deepika’s initials as candles, seems to be from her husband, actor Ranveer Singh. Deepika expressed her gratitude, writing, “Thank you all for the birthday love!” accompanied by clinking glasses emojis. Fans showered her submit with love by posting coronary heart emojis within the feedback part.
Alongside tens of millions of Deepika Padukone followers, her Fighter co-star Hrithik Roshan prolonged birthday needs by sharing behind-the-scenes moments from the movie. Hrithik posted on his Instagram tales, that includes the birthday lady driving a motorbike. In the caption, the actor stated, “Happy Birthday Deepika Padukone! You Truly exemplify the spirit of Fighter with the way you persevere through every challenge and setback on your way to victory. It has been an absolute pleasure working with you – wishing you health, happiness and peace for this year and all the years to come. Soar High, Squad Leader Minal Rathore.” FYI: Fighter might be hitting the large screens on January 25.
In his birthday want for Deepika Padukone, Fighter co-star Anil Kapoor wrote, “Many Many happy returns of the day. To more and more health and success to you!”
Deepika Padukone’s Kalki 2898 – A.D co-actor Prabhas additionally made certain to not miss wishing the birthday lady. He shared a shocking image of Deepika and conveyed his greatest needs, saying, “Happy birthday to the most beautiful Deepika Padukone. May your year be as stunning as you are.”
Nag Ashwin’s Kalki 2898 – A.D is predicted to be launched this yr. In addition to Deepika Padukone and Prabhas, the movie stars Amitabh Bachchan, Disha Patani, and Kamal Haasan in essential roles.
Apart from Fighter and Kalki 2898 – A.D, Deepika Padukone may also star in Singham Again this yr.
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