Home Latest Democrats Meet Virtually To Approve Platform That Builds Off Of Biden-Sanders Effort

Democrats Meet Virtually To Approve Platform That Builds Off Of Biden-Sanders Effort

Democrats Meet Virtually To Approve Platform That Builds Off Of Biden-Sanders Effort


Tom Perez, Democratic National Committee chair, speaks during an event in February in Charlotte, N.C. Perez and other Democrats are approving their party platform Monday.

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Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Tom Perez, Democratic National Committee chair, speaks during an event in February in Charlotte, N.C. Perez and other Democrats are approving their party platform Monday.

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Democrats are meeting remotely Monday afternoon to approve a lengthy policy platform that seeks to balance the interests of its more moderate and liberal factions.

The virtual meeting comes three weeks ahead of what will be one of the strangest party conventions in United States history: No delegates and few Democratic dignitaries will travel to Milwaukee, Wis., to nominate former Vice President Joe Biden to be the party’s standard-bearer. Instead, the convention will be held mostly remotely, with only Biden and a few other speakers actually appearing from Milwaukee.

The draft platform, released last week, draws heavily from a report issued earlier this month by joint task forces organized by Biden and his onetime campaign rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. It tries to bridge the gap between Sanders’ progressive politics and Biden’s more moderate approach to governing.

Dozens of Democratic officials are considering amendments to the plan Monday.

The draft party document endorses universal health care, and makes it clear that low- or no-cost coverage for every American is the party’s eventual goal. Rather than backing a single mandatory government-run health insurance program, however, it calls for adding a public option to the existing Affordable Care Act.

The platform does nod to Medicare-for-all, the policy backed by Sanders, saying: “We are proud our party welcomes advocates who want to build on and strengthen the Affordable Care Act and those who support a Medicare for All approach.”

The platform also sets aggressive goals for combating climate change, including making all American power plants carbon-neutral by 2035, and adding 500 million solar panels and 60,000 wind turbines to the country’s electricity grid within the next five years.

It also calls for a $15 minimum wage, mandatory paid family leave, more federal gun control, broad changes to federal sentencing guidelines and drug laws and many other changes most Democratic candidates for Congress and the White House have called for for years.

Platform Committee co-chair Denis McDonough, who served as former President Barack Obama’s chief of staff, called it the “boldest Democratic platform in American history.”

Still, anticipating virtual floor fights and frustration from progressive activists who want the party to set an even more aggressive policy course, Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez said at the top of the committee meeting that “we should never confuse unity with unanimity, nor should we confuse debate with division.”


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