Home Latest Dengue Denv 2 Variant: Doctors warn dengue’s new D2 strain can lead to high-grade fever and shock syndrome; how to stay safe

Dengue Denv 2 Variant: Doctors warn dengue’s new D2 strain can lead to high-grade fever and shock syndrome; how to stay safe

Dengue Denv 2 Variant: Doctors warn dengue’s new D2 strain can lead to high-grade fever and shock syndrome; how to stay safe


Among the multiple variants — DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4 of the dengue virus, DENV 2 or the strain D2 is considered to be the most severe and can even lead to fatal internal bleeding and shock.

Dr Balram Bhargava, Director-General, Indian Council of Medical Research, told the media that the strain is particularly virulent and capable of inducing mortality. He added that it was one of the reasons behind the mysterious fever which had hit the western UP districts of Firozabad, Agra, Mathura and Aligarh that led to the deaths of many people last month.

Speaking to IANS, Dr B.L. Sherwal, RGSS Hospital Director, said that irrespective of the Dengue strain, the precaution is same as the same mosquito spreads the disease. He said that the most important precaution is not to let water stagnate around you and use full sleeve dress. He warned that this type of mosquito generally bites in the day time, so we need to take extra care of it. Dr Sherwal added that these are just types of dengue with more or less same symptoms and same pattern of prevention too.


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