Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Tuesday honoured 14 girls with the Rajya Stree Shakti Tilu Rauteli Awards and 35 with the Anganwadi Karyakatri Awards for commendable work of their respective fields.
A money reward of Rs 51,000 was transferred digitally to the financial institution accounts of all of the awardees, officers stated. The quantity has elevated from Rs 31000 (Tilu Rauteli) and Rs 21000 (Anganwadi Karyakatri) earlier.
The awards are given yearly on August 8, the beginning anniversary of Tilu Rauteli.
Speaking on the event, Dhami congratulated the awardees, saying he felt happy with their achievements.
Describing Tilu Rauteli because the Jhansi Ki Rani of Uttarakhand, Dhami stated from the age of 15 to 22, she fought as many as seven wars and defeated all her enemies.
Tilu Rauteli or Tilottama Devi was a legendary warrior of the seventeenth century from Uttarakhand who fought bravely towards Kantyoor invaders.
Dhami additionally praised girls for making their mark in numerous fields and stated they made the most important contribution to the motion for statehood for Uttarakhand.
”Women not lag behind males. They have proved themselves in numerous fields, be it residence or the battlefield, politics or cinema, science or agriculture. They are steering the agricultural economic system in Uttarakhand by working within the small business sector via self-help teams,” he stated.
Under the management of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, girls have been empowered in all fields, Dhami stated.
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